Congratulations Newly Ordained Fr. Tim Ferguson!

I was in Marquette, MI on Friday for the priestly ordination of a frequent commentator and parodohymnodist here, Fr. Timothy Ferguson.  His road to the priesthood was 29 years long!  As he quipped: “thirty less one”.

He sent a note about and photos of his First Mass.

I preached myself – briefly, and rather emotionally, but I think the gratitude got across. A few rubrical blips, but Matthew Hill was a great MC. It’s a lot different practicing and actually offering the Sacrifice. The profundity of it hit me during the offertory – and I think Bishop Doerfler’s line from the ordination homily about looking into the chalice at the time of consecration and seeing ourselves immersed in and reflected in the Blood of Christ is something I will carry with me always.

First Mass homily

First Mass Elevation

For those of you newcomers here, Fr. Ferguson wrote the now oldie, but cherished “O Come, O Come Liturgical Blue” and many others, including the hit single that prompted legendary urban rapper Zuhlio to come out of retirement, “Lady Tambourine Priest“.  Oddly, in that one, he sounds rather like Dylan from back in 1965. And don’t forget “Where Have All The Sisters Gone?

In honor of his position as official parodohymnodist, Fr. Ferguson, after his ordination, gave me a gift, which I now share with you.   My very own blue chasuble Christmas ornament.

Let’s have a couple of Fr. Ferguson’s tunes.

There are more, but that’s enough for a sample.

Fr. Ferguson, who is a canonist, has been assigned to St. Peter’s Cathedral in Marquette.  Those people are very fortunate.  Father is learnéd, highly amusing, truly faithful.

Father also knows the Extraordinary Form.


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