Prayer Request

A reader writes:

Please ask God to not let me lose my job. I’ve fallen behind and need assistance being lifted up, to excel at my skills, and to do my job well. I pray for help. I don’t want to lose my job. I’m at fault, but ask God not only his pardon, but most of all his assistance making a merciful pardoning of my sins to which he may deliver me from the menacing evil I keep falling into which keeps me from doing the work I’m set out to do. Please ask God to please help me out of this gutter and be on the right path. Ask for intercessions that I may please do penance in my work, that i may keep my job. I truly beg God’s most merciful act. Please don’t let me lose this job.

God bless, Please pray for me

Father, hear our prayer that this person keep his job and flourish at it. Mother Mary and St. Joseph the Worker, pray for this person. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Canonical link: Prayer Request