Sunday Brunch Specials for July 5, 2015: Great Reads from This Week

CM Sunday Brunch 3

Welcome to the Sunday Brunch! We’re serving up a buffet of articles from the past week. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and settle in to enjoy some great reads.

Unleashed Book Club: Chapter 4

This week we’re discussing Chapter 4 and Surrendering Judgment to Peace from Unleashed, by Sonja Corbitt. What could pain and conflict possibly have to do with healing and peace? Erin McCole Cupp invites readers to walk with her through this exciting chapter.

St. Gianna: The Modern Woman’s Saint

St. Gianna Beretta Molla was a modern woman who embraced the gift of authentic femininity as ordained by God. Terry McDermott shows us why she is a role model for today’s woman.

A Holy Surprise: Patti on Fox and Friends

Sometimes, our best-laid plans are sidetracked by God’s even better plans. Find out the holy surprise that took place recently when contributing writers Roxane Salonen and Patti Armstrong planned a coffee date in Bismarck, N.D.

Does Trust Outlive Our Patience?

Meg Bucaro shares a game-changing life lesson she learned from her hungry baby, which helps her trust in God even when she is running out of patience!

Intervention. Requested. Received.

Balaam’s ass was unavailable, so God sent bees in answer to Michelle Dawn Jones’s prayer for intervention.

Nesting Near the Tabernacle: Lessons from the Sparrow

Claire Dwyer shares a family story that brings to mind the Scripture passage in which Jesus reminds us that we are worth “more than many sparrows.”

Iranian Muslim Helps Save Catholic Christian Family

Mary Lou Rosien shares the story of her grandparents’ flight from Burma to escape persecution and how they were helped by a Muslim businessman without regard to their differences in faith.

Meeting a Saint on the Seaway

Marianna Bartholomew learned about a brand-new saint on a family vacation. This saint’s story reminds us that if we pray and listen, God will lead our steps in our own unique voyage. Sometimes, he might lead us out of our comfort zone, but the rewards are great.

An Ongoing ADDventure

Celeste Behe was a quiet, dreamy child whose worst fault was getting so lost in a book that she became oblivious to everything around her. If any kid ever had Attention Deficit Disorder, it obviously wasn’t Celeste. Or was it? It’s only recently, after years spent losing things, missing appointments, forgetting basic information, leaving tasks unfinished, and putting her foot in her mouth that Celeste has realized that she did, and still does, struggle with the symptoms of ADD. What could be funnier?

The Mystery of Love

Will Duquette discusses the fifth Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary, and identifies the Crucifixion as the Mystery of Love.

Dear Lady Annoyed by My Kids at Mass

Tommy Tighe writes a letter to the lady at Mass who thinks his children are nuts, and has no problem telling him about it. Tommy’s going to a comment record with this post, which has clearly struck a chord with our readers!

Fill ‘er Up

Trish Bolster finds the experience of venturing into the working world a nourishing one that leaves her refreshed and ready to deal with the day-to-day experiences of parenting small children.

Strong Brains, Holier Souls

What we read sinks in like osmosis filling our minds and hearts and driving our souls. Patti Maguire Armstrong warns us to stay away from shallow and seek out spiritually beneficial books–and offers some of her most-recent reads.

A song that will get stuck in your head: I Get Knocked Down, But I Get Up Again

Jake Frost reflects on the fear of falling and Scott Hamilton’s stunning acrobatics on ice as inspiration to help you get back up again.

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Copyright 2015 Barb Szyszkiewicz, OFS
