Prayer Requests

A reader write:

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Donnie Chin.  He was shot to death a few days ago.  If anyone ever loved his neighborhood the way Chesterton thought best, it was Donnie.  He spent decades connecting Seattle Fire and Police with sick and injured ID residents.  The buildings in China Town are impossible to navigate and the community is very closed.  Using police and fire radio scanners he was on scene even before emergency responders and made sure people were found and got the help the needed.  He not only saved the lives of countless Chinese immigrants, he kept Police and Fire Department personnel safe in unpredictable situations.  He cannot be replaced.  Pray for the repose of his soul, that his beloved community recovers, and that his murderers are brought to justice.

Father, hear our prayer for the repose of Donnie’s soul and for grace, peace, consolation, strength, faith, hope, and love for all who love him.  Grant as well that his killer be brought to justice and that all those who greet the news of his death, not with the question, “How do we reduce gun violence?” but with excuses for maintaining the status quo can be brought to repentance. We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.  Mother Mary, pray for them all.

Another reader writes:

I’ve resisted for so long in requesting this prayer. My husband is severely mentally ill, to the point that he is unaware of this. I suspect that the abuse he endured as a child was far more significant than he let on.  There have been several explosive episodes through our yet young marriage but the mental manipulation and emotional abuse has hit a new high of late.  After years of his unemployment and a recent miscarriage I find it very challenging to cope. Any attempt to leave has always been met with threats of suicide. Though I am managing, my one hope is that our little boy does not suffer. Already he’s seen too much and has been a great source of comfort for me.  If you can spare a moment, please pray for our family, in particular that my husband gets the help he desperately needs but can’t see.

Father, hear our prayer that he would see that he has a problem and willingly submit to your healing power at work in the relevant doctors.  Here our prayer as well for his family that they be kept safe and find hope and healing through Christ our Lord.  Mother Mary, St. Luke and St. Dymphna, pray for them all.

Canonical link: Prayer Requests