Small Success Thursday: Planning, Preparing and Praying

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Our whole family has been trimming the hedges and painting the trim, clearing out clutter and organizing for this weekend. It’s amazing the difference. It’s also amazing to discover how much we’d become accustomed to the clutter and the marks on the wall. We’re hosting a party for family and friends and celebrating 25 years of marriage with a barbecue and dancing until people can dance no more.

So the small successes of the week include having survived working all summer to this point, shutting down my blog for two weeks so as to really focus on the kids and preparing, and getting in a holy hour this week.

What have I learned in this process? Wedding planner on the computer is much easier than any event even sort of like it in real life.

The other big news is this week, my youngest son started using sentences. “I want my backpack.” “Where’s Anna?” and “It’s time for school.” are three I heard. When he opts to use words, everyone listens because we’ve been so accustomed to his silence. We will have to work on him understanding, just because you said it, doesn’t mean it must happen. “I want to go to the pool” doesn’t work when the place is closed. Neither does  “I want a drink.” when he refuses water and it’s after bedtime. But otherwise, it’s a great change.

Our visit with the Blessed Mother comes to a close this week, but she’s brought a welcome breath of fresh air into my prayer life. I’ll miss her, but I do know, she’s just a Rosary away.

Hope your week is full of small successes.

Copyright 2015 Sherry Antonetti

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