Amazing Video of Baby Saying “I Love You” Goes Viral

In North Carolina, Ted Moskalenko was stunned when his three-month-old son said, “I love you” after he repeated baby sounds to him. Thankfully, Ted caught the moment on camera and shared in on YouTube.

He captioned the video, “My baby boy Ben said ‘I love you’ for the first time. Good thing my wife had the camera rolling. Enjoy!”

Since July 11th, the video has gone viral and over a million people have viewed it online. Of course, there are some who are skeptical that Ben actually said those words; however, it wouldn’t be surprising if he did because infants can recognize certain elements of language from the moment of their birth. Listen to Ben talk in the video below.



As LifeNews previously reported, a study conducted at Harvard Medical School, revealed that a mother’s voice might be directly linked to development of the auditory cortex – the area of the brain that processes language. During the study, researches conducted tests on forty premature infants, born between 25 and 32 weeks into pregnancy. The infants were divided into two groups: the first group listened to three hours of audio recordings of their mother’s voice and heartbeat every day for a month while the second group only heard routine background hospital noise.

Remarkably, after 30 days the brain of each baby was scanned using ultrasounds and scientists found that those infants who had listened to their mother’s voice had a significantly larger auditory cortex.

