Sunday Brunch Specials for August 30, 2015: Great Reads from This Week

CM Sunday Brunch 3


Welcome to the Sunday Brunch! We’re serving up a buffet of articles from the past week. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and settle in to enjoy some great reads.

Small Success: Hold the Bells and Whistles

What small successes are you celebrating this week? Join the fun and get some encouragement, too! Sherry Antonetti hosts this fun weekly feature.

Get Healthy! Forming a Tech Tribe to Find & Keep Better Physical & Spiritual Health

Lisa Hendey invites you to join a “tech tribe” to support a mutual path to emotional and physical wellbeing. Feel free to comment on your own journey and please send prayers!

5 Saints to Call On When Your Parent Needs Parenting

As her relationship with her mother has shifted over the years, Rakhi McCormick admits that she has not handled the transitions with grace. Here she shares her struggles and five Saints who are helping her to embrace the new dynamics of an adult relationship with her mother.

I Have More to Say

David and Mercedes Rizzo share how trying to communicate with pictures helped them relate to their nonverbal daughter.

The Queen of Heaven and a Little Princess

 Maybe, Sarah Reinhard reflects, Mary doesn’t have a sparkly crown, but rather an apron filled with goodies. She reflects on Mary as Queen of Heaven and on her own role as godmother.

St. Monica: Everybody’s Supermom

Terry McDermott tells us why St. Monica is a saint that all parents ought to rely on to help us raise our children. She was a true prayer warrior, a wife and mother on a mission, and there’s no force in hell that can deter a mom and wife on the move.

Can You Just Look Up?

If by chance you have a child who, depending on the day, isn’t that excited to get dressed and wants to stay in their pajamas at home, maybe you can relate to Courtney Vallejo’s situation. How do you gently encourage your children to engage in Mass when they’d rather be doing anything else but that?

Meatless Friday: Shrimp and Okra Gumbo

The Catholic Foodie’s recipe for a Louisiana favorite: Shrimp and Okra Gumbo. Whether you use frozen shrimp or fresh, Jeff Young assures us that this Shrimp and Okra Gumbo recipe will make you the envy of your family and friends. It makes for a wonderful family meal at home. Make a full pot and you’ll have plenty to invite your friends and neighbors.

Tech Talk: Is the use of technology appropriate during Adoration?

Is it okay to use technology during Adoration? Susan Bailey explains how she came to use it while being mindful of the needs of adorers around her, and how it made for a powerful time of reconciliation and worship.

When Communion is Like Sex Outside of Marriage

Patti Maguire-Armstrong was offered communion from an Evangelical minister at a prayer gathering. She knew why non-Catholics could not receive the Eucharist at a Catholic Church, but what about the reverse?

Righteousness: Blessed Are You Blog Tour with Melanie Rigney

Lisa Hendey invites you along for a stop on Melanie Rigney’s blog tour for her new book Blessed Are You; Finding Inspiration From Our Sisters in Faith. Today, we consider “righteousness” and meet four female spiritual giants whose lives serve as a model for this beatitude.

Beer, Birthdays and Butt Paste

María de Lourdes Ruiz Scaperlanda faces the beginning of a new school year and her own birthday and is overwhelmed by it all. See how she comes to terms with the weight of change.

There are no coincidences…even on vacation

A reflection on that moment when everything lines up perfectly, in a way you never foresaw or intended, and reminds you (in a good way) that you’re not the One in charge here.

Question of the Week

Our Question of the Week: which of the many titles of the Blessed Mother do you relate to the most?

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Copyright 2015 Barb Szyszkiewicz
