Archbp. Myers: “Catholics must be in a marriage recognized as valid by the Church to receive Holy Communion”

Liberal-megaphone RNS’ and David Gibson have a damage control piece out right now.  They may sense that things are not going well at the Synod for the Kasperite agenda.

ROME — Even as Pope Francis and Catholic leaders from around the world debate ways to make the Catholic Church more inclusive, Newark Archbishop John Myers[whom liberals despise] has given his priests strict guidelines on refusing Communion to Catholics who, for example, support gay marriage or join an organization that rejects Church teaching. [Some would say that guidelines are good. But note the language “strict”, “refusing” v. “supporting”, “join”.]

In the two-page memo, Myers also orders parishes and Catholic institutions not to host people or organizations that disagree with the Church. [Archbp. Myers wants people to be… Catholic?]

He says Catholics, “especially ministers and others who represent the Church, should not participate in or be present at religious events or events intended to endorse or support those who reject or ignore Church teaching and Canon Law.” [Do I hear an “Amen!”?]

The new rules could raise eyebrows, [code language] given that Francis is currently leading a high-level Vatican summit, called a synod, where he and some 270 bishops are debating whether to let divorced and remarried Catholics receive Communion, and how to be more welcoming to cohabiting and gay couples whose lives don’t conform to Catholic teaching.

The guidelines could also up the ante for the coming election season, [here the liberal writer accuses Myers of being “political”] when Catholic candidates who support abortion rights or gay rights are sometimes challenged by conservatives over whether they should receive Communion.

Myers issued these guidelines even though he is scheduled to retire next July when he turns 75, turning over the reins to Archbishop Bernard Hebda. [Code: he should not have done anything because he’s old.]


“With so much being generated in the media with regard to issues like same-sex unions and such, this memo about ensuring that Catholic teaching is adhered to in all situations — especially with regard to the use of diocesan properties and facilities — seemed appropriate,” James Goodness, a spokesman for Myers, said.


In the memo, Myers writes: “The Church will continue to cherish and welcome her members and invite them to participate in her life to the degree that their personal situation permits them honestly to do so.

“Catholics,” he continues, “must be in a marriage recognized as valid by the Church to receive Holy Communion or the other sacraments. Non-Catholics and any Catholic who publicly rejects Church teaching or discipline, either by public statements or by joining or supporting organizations which do so, are not to receive the Sacraments.”

Shock!  Catholic Archbishop upholds the Catholic Church’s Teachings!


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