The German Bigots...errrr, Bishops and Cardinal Sarah

Read The German Bigots...errr, Bishops and Cardinal Sarah. The key quote is:"So also in Africa. Of course the Church is growing there. It grows because the people are socially dependent and often have nothing else but their faith. It grows because the educational situation there is on average at a rather low level and the people accept simple answers to difficult questions(of faith) [sic]. Answers like those that Cardinal Sarah of Guinea provides. And even the growing number of priests is a result not only of missionary power but also a result of the fact that the priesthood is one of the few possibilities for social security on the dark continent."I know what your saying but Ron, the bishops did not say that. But, Ron, some german homohertetic wrote that. I get it, you have no desire to hold anyone responsible anymore. I am over it. This fascist works at for the German Bishops conference as a result of the kindness of someone. Not to mention "serene theology" and "persistent adulterers do not feel welcome," "all are welcome to come to the community table." I think that summarizes the theology of German bishops and explains the empty pews in their Churches. Human beings long for heroic virtue. They long for the elevation of their nature to the glory of the divine life. Why would the conference attack Cardinal Sarah and the Africans? Because fertility. The gospel is clearly about being so detached from material things that "we have nothing else but their (our)faith." The Germans hate the gospel they reject it at every turn. "Serene theology" is code for modernism and homoheresy. It means the exact opposite of the gospel according to Christ. The Africans do not contracept, they do not believe in divorce, they still accept the natural moral law in regards to marriage. That marriage is objectively as a result of nature, between one man and one woman and it is ordered to the procreation and education of children! Many of them! The Germans reject nature and therefore the sacrament of marriage itself. Which is why there Churches are empty. Talk about socially dependent. If it weren't for the government the Church in Germany would have collapsed long ago. Talk about a group of fascist white tyrants. They will stand for no disagreement with their "serene theology." They do not even hide the fact that the words and actions of Africa and specifically Cardinal Sarah are irrefutable. They make no attempt to overturn or engage the arguments, rather, they turn to arguments of emotion and ad hominem attacks on the people and the Cardinal himself. There is not greater sign that you have won the argument than when your opponent goes to the darkside in the argument and attacks you personally. Cardinal Sarah does not need my help. He is a perfectly articulate, faithful, and holy man who is actually a TRUE Son of the Church. Pray the Rosary Daily!Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy On Us!
