Come Let Us Adore Him

As I sit in the dim silent room on a Friday afternoon in November, I come to realize that I see not with my eyes but with an inner knowledge of the presence of God; the presence of Jesus. It is no longer the darkened room and the monstrance; it is the cold winter night and I am kneeling in adoration at the manger. The darkness, the silence, the simplicity and bareness transport me to Bethlehem. Just He and I.

I feel the weight of the moment, the richness of the intimate communication. My being pulsates with the warmth of my love and that which is returned.  I look up in wonder and awe at my Savior, my Lord on the throne. I bow low to the ground, for here in this darkened room is my King. The Lord of my life.

The joy that fills my being consumes my body with a peace that I have never known. Here at the chapel, here at the manger, here at the cross is the beginning and the end of all that I know, all that I need. There is an ecstasy of joy and passion of love that overtakes me, tears rain down my face. I am reminded that Mary and Joseph too, “found Him in the temple.” So to the temple I go; the chapel where He waits for me, for you.

There are no words to explain, just the feeling of love that emanates my being in this intimate space for the smallest of moments. This practice has given me what I need to go on. And still He waits for me.


Copyright 2015 Maureen P. O’Shea.
Photo copyright 2015 Maureen P. O’Shea. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Canonical link: Come Let Us Adore Him