Pro-Life Group Sends “Love Letters” to Abortion Clinic Workers Urging Them to Quit

When former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson quit her job and joined the pro-life movement, she never dreamed that many other abortion workers would follow her lead and leave the abortion industry, too.

Since she left the Texas abortion clinic in 2009, Johnson and her new organization And Then There Were None have helped more than 200 abortion clinic workers quit their jobs, according to the group’s website. The organization reaches out to abortion clinic workers with compassion, offering financial, legal, emotional and spiritual support to help them leave the industry.

This Valentines Day, And Then There Were None is reminding abortion clinic workers of another reason to quit – because they are loved.

According to The Blaze, the organization recently launched the “Love One Out, Love Won Out” campaign to send flowers and love letters to abortion clinic employees to encourage them to walk away from their jobs. Each letter includes the message: “We love you, and you are too good to be working in an abortion clinic. We love you enough to help you quit. Healing is possible.”

“Love always wins, and what we’re finding here at ATTWN is that this message of pro-life being pro-love is helping the pro-life movement to reach a different group of people,” Johnson said. “This group — clinic workers — are changing the narrative in the pro-life movement through a message of love that empowers them enough to quit their job in the abortion industry.”

The group also offers a form on the website for people to write letters to abortion clinic workers who they know. They offer suggested messages, including, “Love is real” and “You’re worth more.”

“Well, this is your opportunity to reach out to them with your words, in love,” Johnson said in an email. “You can do it anonymously or leave your name. It’s your letter.”

Johnson said when she worked at the Texas abortion clinic, she wanted to leave but did not know where to find help to do it. She said abortion clinic workers are told by their employers that they will be ostracized should they leave. She said one administrator told workers, “Well, good luck getting another job, because you’ve worked in the abortion industry, and nobody will want you.”

Johnson said the love that pro-lifers showed her was the key to helping her quit. Now, she wants to extend that love to abortion workers and encourage them to leave the deadly trade, too.

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“The Love One Out campaign was designed to help abortion clinic workers know that they can do better than working in the abortion industry and that they can receive the support and love from others who have left the industry,” Johnson said.

“If you or someone you know wants to leave the abortion industry, there is free, confidential help available,” Johnson says. “Visit or to contact ATTWN and receive guidance and assistance through your transition out of the abortion industry— every step of the way.”

