Monsters in a Lab Coat

Medical book and a skull model for studying medicine
Not surprised, but still horrified to see this story today For first time, scientists grow two-week-old human embryos in lab.

Scientists have for the first time grown human embryos outside of the mother for almost two full weeks into development, giving unique insight into what they say is the most mysterious stage of early human life.

Scientists had previously only been able to study human embryos as a culture in a lab dish until the seventh day of development when they had to implant them into the mother’s uterus to survive and develop further.

But using a culture method previously tested to grow mouse embryos outside of a mother, the teams were able to conduct almost hour by hour observations of human embryo development to see how they develop and organize themselves up to day 13.

“This it the most enigmatic and mysterious stage of human development,” said Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, a University of Cambridge professor who co-led the work. “It is a time when the basic body shape is determined.”

The following would have pleased Doctor Josef Mengele.

But the research also raises the issue of an international law banning scientists from developing human embryos beyond 14 days, and suggests this limit may have to be reviewed.

Zernicka-Goetz, who spoke to reporters in London, said a wealth of new information could be discovered if human embryos could be grown in a lab dish for just a few days more.

What can we discover is the imperative to such research. The Culture of Death has it claws into everything. From corrupting motherhood to corrupting science. Dr. Frankenstein at least had the decency to make a dead thing alive not make a live person dead.

Not surprising this Reuters article does not question at all the evil involved. That this is the direct murder of a human person. They throw a sop to “ethics”

Sarah Norcross, director of the Progress Educational Trust, a charity which campaigns for people affected by infertility and genetic conditions, agreed that the research raised questions around the 14-day limit and said the international scientific community should “decide whether it is necessary and desirable” to extend it, and if so, by how much.

“A public discussion of the rights and wrongs of this would need to follow before any change in law could be contemplated,” she told Reuters.

Worse is that this story will not even make a bump in the Culture of Death. It will be totally lost in the wave of non-substantial news stories that matter not in the least. Scientist creating human persons and bragging about how long they live until they kill them will pass almost unnoticed.

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