Live right out in the world

The Living Rite column explores what you will see, hear, taste, touch or smell while at church this weekend.

Each week the Living Rite Column is committed to drawing you into a closer relationship with the liturgy. We challenge you to “look, hear and pay attention to.” If you have not already noticed, our byline “Living Rite” is a play on words. The liturgy is prayers, gestures, and rituals (rites) that are alive in Christ. Each time we celebrate liturgy, we are prepared to go back out into the world and “live right.” In today’s first reading for the Solemnity of the Ascension, Jesus appears to be saying to your Living Rite columnists, “All right already, it’s been 51 weeks of you encouraging my people to look around. Today, tell them to stop looking up, and go out and live the liturgy!” Point well taken, Jesus!

The celebration of liturgy should never stop at the church door. Its life should continue in each moment of our own lives. An easy way to live a weekly liturgical life is to base it upon the order of the Mass.

Live the gathering rites by looking for opportunities to welcome others by a simple smile or a kind word. Be filled with gratitude and wonder for all the Lord places before you. At day’s end, evaluate your actions in a penitent manner.

Take the Liturgy of the Word with you through the week by continuing to read the Scriptures. When an opportunity presents itself, share with others about your faith or your relationship with Jesus. Bear the good news!

Incorporate the prayers of the faithful into your daily prayer by remembering the needs of the church, the government, those in distress, the sick, the dead and your very self.
Each day make a presentation of gifts to God that encompass your time, talent and treasure. Look for opportunities to be kind and compassionate. Use your material goods in such a way that the poor will be served and the environment protected.

Recall daily the words of the eucharistic prayer. Jesus in his great love for you, suffered, died, rose from the dead — and one day will return for you. Let God hear you say “Amen!” Pray the Our Father at least once each day. Share the sign of peace in the words you speak and the actions you do.

In eucharistically receiving the body of Christ, we have the challenge of becoming the Christ’s body. Strive to create conditions where the body is respected, honored and protected by all people. Each day unite yourself with the communion of saints. Foster within yourself a hunger for Jesus that can only by filled in the Eucharist.

Be a blessing to others. Speak words of blessing rather than criticism or anger.
When another week has passed, allow yourself a dismissal from the cares, concerns and demands of the world.

Begin the Lord’s Day engaged in the Eucharist, the Living Rite. Only then will it be possible for us to do our living right.

Zahorik is pastoral associate at Most Blessed Sacrament Parish, Oshkosh.

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