ACTION ITEM! Survey on Deaconettes! Please help.

In the wake of Pope Francis mentioning a “study” about deaconettes (which I think was already done – but, as they say, “Quis sum ego ut iudicem.”) one of you alert readers alerted me to a survey that the women’s ordination crowd has put up on the interwebs.

It is from the inimitable Future Church!


I think we should all be as supportive and as helpful as possible, don’t you?

The intro to the survey says:

With the potential for a new discussion about women deacons in the Roman Catholic Church, we want to hear from you.

Do you support women deacons? Do you have concerns? Do you feel called or are you discerning a call to the permanent diaconate? Could you recommend other women for this ministry?

Please complete our survey. Twenty-three questions are designed to be answered by both women and men to gauge the level of support for women deacons.  Seven additional questions are directed to women only and inquire about their personal/communal sense of calling to the permanent diaconate.  The * symbol indicates  questions with required answers.

Be careful with Q 5:

5. Please choose the option that most closely describes how you IDENTIFY:


If the Obama Administration and Dems in general are right, you might have to think about that for a long time… and you might be wrong, whichever you choose.   Frankly, I’m surprised there weren’t more options.

Take note of Category 5 in particular:

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There are quite a few questions under 5.    Some of them are a bit dodgy.  For example: they ask if we have questions or concerns about various things.   Most of us, however, probably don’t have questions or concerns about the impact of deaconettes: I’m quite certain that it would be bad.

Anyway, you decide.  Just read the questions carefully and, above all, have fun!

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