Hillary Clinton: “I Will Always Stand With Planned Parenthood,” It Does “Extraordinary Things”

Earlier this month, pro-abortion presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told activists at a Planned Parenthood abortion business rally that she would “always have your back.” She means it.

In an op-ed written to bolster support for America’s biggest abortion business, Hillary again goes to bat for her friends at Planned Parenthood. Below are some excerpts. Keep in mind that, while Clinton refuses to use the word abortion she is talking about the abortion corporation that regularly kills 330,000 babies in abortions every year:

When they talk about “defunding” Planned Parenthood, it’s all too easy to think of it as a political statement. But in making these kinds of decisions, the Executive Council isn’t just playing politics – they’re playing with their constituents’ health and well-being. When Planned Parenthood is threatened, the health of men and women all across our country is endangered as well.

Thankfully, just this week, the Supreme Court overturned a Texas law that would have imposed burdensome and medically unnecessary requirements on abortion providers in the guise of a false concern for women’s health. As Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg rightly stated in her opinion, it is simply “beyond rational belief” that restrictions like these could ever protect the health of women.

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First, I will always stand with Planned Parenthood. It should be funded, supported and appreciated – not undermined, misrepresented, and demonized.

Second, I’ll fight to protect access to safe and legal abortion – not just in principle, but in practice. Patients and providers shouldn’t have to endure harassment and intimidation just to walk into a health center. Making an appointment shouldn’t mean taking time off from work, finding child care, and driving halfway across your state. And providers shouldn’t be required by state law to recite misleading information to women in order to shame and scare them.

Clinton repeated her support for forcing Americans to pay for abortions:

So I will fight laws on the books like the Hyde Amendment that make it harder for low-income women to get the care they deserve.

Hillary concluded with: “Every single day, all across America, the staff at Planned Parenthood is doing extraordinary things, often under enormous stress and pressure. ”

Killing babies and injuring women in abortions. Just some of the “extraordinary things’ happening at Planned Parenthood.

