Adorable Video Shows Deaf 3-Month-Old Baby Hearing Mommy’s Voice for the First Time

The special moment when a deaf baby girl first heard her mother’s voice was captured in a touching new video last week.

Idaho baby Annabelle Lawrence was born deaf, but after getting hearing aids on Wednesday she was finally able to hear her family’s voices for the first time, the Daily Mail reported.

The video shows 3-month-old Annabelle’s happy reaction to hearing her mother, Sarah Jo’s voice. It shows Annabelle smiling when her mother asks the little one if she could hear. Throughout the video, Annabelle’s eyes are wide with curiosity and amazement at all the new sounds. Also shown is Annabelle’s response to a hearing test. When the audiologist from the Idaho Elks Hearing and Balance Center begin clapping, Annabelle turns her head looking for the source of the sudden noise.

Sarah Jo described her joy at Annabelle’s ability to hear: “Everything has been so overwhelming. To be able to tell Anabelle that I love her and know she hears me is very emotional.

“You could see how excited she was to be able to hear. I can’t stop talking to her. Whenever I’m doing the dishes or putting a wash on I give her a running commentary. I want her to be able to catch up on the last three months.”

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Soon Annabelle’s hearing aids won’t be necessary. When she turns 9 months old, she will have cochlear implants put in, according to the report.

Sarah Jo explained her daughter’s reaction to at last being able to hear: “At the moment she is really tired. I think hearing for the first time means her brain is working extra hard to understand what is happening. She is napping much longer than she did before to recuperate. But when she’s awake she is so much more excited.”

