Editor’s Notebook: Pope at Auschwitz; advice to newlyweds; election, election, election

At Crux, John Allen says Pope Francis offers lesson in mysteries of both evil and good at Auschwitz Pope Francis gives advice to newlyweds, telling them to never go to bed angry “because the cold war the next day is very dangerous.” In the Wall Street Journal , Father Robert Sirico asks: Has the U.S. accepted Catholics, or has it merely accepted Catholics who, when their progressive politics conflict with church doctrine, simply subordinate their religious beliefs? LA Times: Tim Kaine’s candidacy revives a Catholic civil war on abortion RNS: Can Clinton-Kaine bring Catholic voters back to the Democrats? In other news: Italy expels 2 Moroccans for threatening Catholic Churches Are you a lay associate in a religious order? If so, you are not alone, but rather part of a growing trend. Gretchen R. Crowe is editor-in-chief of OSV Newsweekly. Follow her on Twitter @GretchenOSV .
