January's Blog of Note: Roman Catholic Vocations
Although it has not published in several years, January's blog of note is Roman Catholic Vocations. Prior to the internet, deciding on which religious order to enter, for those called, was decidedly more serendipitous, if not almost entirely providential. While God has always chosen those he wills, the notion of entering one religious community over the next was owed more to immediate experience, personal encounters or geography than inclination, although the later played a role. At least, this was the case among the religious of previous generations. Modern technology allows current day discerners to simply serf for the best fit.Whether you feel called to be a cloistered nun or a mendicant brother, a diocesan priest or to marriage, Roman Catholic Vocations has something to offer. Faithful to the Magisterium, it's content features prayers, reflections, countless men's and women's religious vocation links and videos. From below the website's masthead:"If you are actively discerning a vocation to the Priesthood, Diaconate, Consecrated Life, or Marriage and you are looking for information to help in your discernment, be sure to check the section at the bottom of the right sidebar for the 'labels' on all posts. By clicking on one of these labels it will take you to a page with all posts containing that subject. You will also find many links for suggested reading near the bottom of the right sidebar. ..."Here is an excerpt from Pope Benedict XVI’s message for the 48th World Day of Prayer for Vocations: "Particularly in these times, when the voice of the Lord seems to be drowned out by ‘other voices’ and His invitation to follow Him by the gift of one’s own life may seem too difficult, every Christian community, every member of the Church, needs consciously to feel responsibility for promoting vocations. It is important to encourage and support those who show clear signs of a call to priestly life and religious consecration, and to enable hem to feel the warmth of the whole community as they respond ‘yes’ to God and the Church..."