Don't Tip Over

"Don't Tip Over" by Colleen Spiro (

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"Don't Tip Over" by Colleen Spiro (

Photo by Mike Peters (2010) via Flickr, all rights reserved.

As a Benedictine Oblate, I have a rule of life to live by, but I have strayed away from it these past few months. In his Rule, St. Benedict put utmost importance on balance. We need to balance work, prayer and study/rest.

Finding the #balance so important in the #Benedictine rule of life. By @colleenspiroClick To Tweet

For months, I haven’t been able to balance anything. I have felt way off balance. I could feel the stress building up and wondered when I would reach the boiling point. Would my life ever slow down? Would I ever be able to let go of the stress?

I even forgot to find time to pray until I finally turned to the Lord and said my favorite prayer – Help! It was then that a wise friend told me this:

“When people drive over the bridge into the city where I live, there is a big sign that says ‘Slow Down!’ The traffic has to swerve right and trucks sometimes tip over because they do not believe the sign.”

Then he said, “Don’t tip over.”

Don’t tip over.

I just love that, don’t you? Simple. A little humorous. And yet still very wise.

Don’t tip over. What does that mean to you?

I know the signs that tell me I need to slow down but I tend to ignore them or push them away. But then the stress builds up and overwhelms me. I need to remember to follow the Benedictine way.

I need to remember to slow down. Pay attention. Watch and believe the signs.

And don’t tip over.

Copyright 2017 Colleen Spiro

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